Contact Us

For information regarding Summer program registration & Merit Badge Records, please contact:

WLACC Camping Department
(818) 933-0130 or [email protected]

Camp and Program Director: Linnea Heinstedt
(818) 933-0112 or [email protected]

For information regarding Scouting Programs, please contact:
Linnea Heinstedt at [email protected] or (818) 933-0112.

For information regarding Spring and Fall adventure opportunities, please contact:
Jeff Lee at [email protected] or (310) 626-1357

For international program rates please contact:
Linnea Heinstedt at [email protected] or (818) 933-0112.

To send mail via United States Postal Service, please use the following address:

Camp Emerald Bay
PO Box 5066
Avalon, CA 90704-5066

To send mail via UPS Ground, UPS Air, or FedEx Air, please use the following address:

Camp Emerald Bay
1 Cove Road
Avalon, CA 90704

Please Note: Mail sent via FedEx Ground will not be delivered to Emerald Bay. Only UPS Ground, UPS Air, or FedEx Air will be accepted.