Summer Adventure

Summer Adventure gives Webelos a first look at Summer Camp through the eyes of Scouts BSA with a 3-night 4-day experience.  Webelos get to see first hand what Summer Camp looks like giving them a taste of what to expect when matriculating.

Cub Scout/Webelos Summer Adventure Resident Camp

We want you to enjoy our program for Webelos, Cub Scouts, and their parents at Camp Emerald Bay during our summer season. This four day-three-night adventure will have your Scouts traveling to Camp Emerald Bay on Sunday and leaving on Wednesday.

All Cubs, Tigers through Arrow of Light are welcome to participate if they have their parent-child partners. They will do their swim test, get their campsite, and get ready for fun in the sun while participating in specialized programs just for them. They will have an opportunity to earn advancements, shoot archery and BB guns, and take part in waterfront activities at one of the nation’s finest summer camp locations.

The Cub Scouts and Webelos will be camping in their own campsites, sleeping in traditional platform-canvas tents, they will fall asleep to the gentle ocean breeze every night. This is a perfect event for a Cub Scout and their parent, a Webelos, or an Arrow of Light Scouts. The Arrow of Light Scouts will get a taste of what’s in store for them in the future when they cross the bridge into Boy Scouts. For Cub Scouts and Webelos they will have a chance to earn advancements and be that much closer to their journey over the bridge to Scouts BSA.

Boat Details

The boat starts loading at 8 am on Sunday at Berth 85 in San Pedro (next to the USS Iowa). Anticipated departure from Emerald Bay on Wednesday is between 10-11 a.m., taking you back to the same port you left from.

If you have any questions or problems registering, please contact Linnea Heinstedt at [email protected].